Gaming in Arizona is governed by the Arizona Tribal-State Gaming Compacts (Compacts) between the State and all 22 federally recognized Arizona tribes. The Compact with each of the 22 tribes is substantially identical, lasts for 10 years and can be renewed for another decade and an additional two-year term. The Compact is part of Arizona law.

16 Arizona tribes operate 26 Class III casinos in the State. Another six tribes do not have casinos but have slot machine rights that they may lease to other tribes with casinos (Transfer Agreements).

Under the Compact, a maximum of 1,400 gaming machines are authorized at each current gaming facility and maintains the use of Transfer Agreements.

Additionally, the Compact allows for 100 card game tables at gaming facilities located more than 40 miles from any municipality with a population of more than 400,000 persons and 150 card games at gaming facilities located within 40 miles of a municipality with a  population of more than 400,000 persons. You can learn more by viewing the “Status of Tribal Gaming in Arizona” report here.

Tribal Gaming

Casinos & Tribal Gaming Offices

Locate Arizona’s tribal casinos that ADG regulates with the tribes and learn how to get in contact with the Tribal Gaming Office for each location.

Tribal Contributions

Follow the tribal gaming revenue and learn more about how tribal gaming funds critical programs for Arizona’s residents, economy, wildlife, and environment, benefiting our communities.

State Certifications

Learn more about how ADG determines the suitability of gaming vendors and employees in Arizona to ensure integrity.

Compliance & Enforcement

Learn more about the roles our auditors, technicians, and law enforcement officers play to help keep Arizona’s communities safe.

Gaming Compact & Statutes

View or download a copy of the Arizona Tribal-State Gaming Compact and its Appendices.

Tribal Gaming FAQs

Get answers to your commonly asked questions about tribal gaming.