Forms, Licensing & Fees
- Racing
- Forms, Licensing & Fees
- Forms, Licensing & Fees
Complaints regarding matters within the jurisdiction of ADG’s Racing Division must be filed in writing. Complaints can be mailed, faxed or submitted in an electronic submission format. Please include your name, mailing address, telephone number(s), and e-mail address. For your convenience, complaint forms are available at all field offices.
ADG Racing Division’s goal is to respond to all complaints within 30 days. Some complaints may require additional time for investigation due to their complexity. The complaint should contain specific information regarding the incident or the subject matter.
Licensee complaints regarding track officials, permittee employees or other licensees:
Some complaints have filing or response times designated by rule. According to Arizona Administrative Code R19-2-121(D), R19-2-309(D) and R19-2-516: A person with a grievance or complaint against a track official, an employee of the permittee, or a licensee shall submit it in writing to the stewards within five (5) days of the alleged objectionable act or behavior. The stewards shall consider the matter, take appropriate action, and make a full report of their action to the ADG Racing.
Complaints about ADG Personnel:
A person with a grievance or complaint against an ADG Racing Division official or employee shall report it in writing to the ADG within five (5) days of the alleged objectionable act or behavior.
Pari-mutuel-related complaints:
All pari-mutuel related complaints should be made with the race track first. Complaint forms are located at each pari-mutuel window. By rule, all Arizona race tracks are required to forward pari-mutuel complaints to ADG Racing within 48 hours after the complaint is made. [1] Regarding pari-mutuel pay-out disputes, DO NOT throw away any tickets that are related to the dispute.
Additional Information:
- If you are dissatisfied with a race track response, you may submit your complaint to the ADG Division of Racing via e-mail to [email protected] or call (602) 364-1700.